Sarah Neville is a choreographer, experience creator and researcher who devises new media performance, instigates inter-disciplinary practices and invests in multi-platform processes and production outcomes.
Featured Works
Featured News
7 Nov - 8 Nov 2024
Studios, Level 1, MOD.
Agile Mobilities is an artistic research project investigating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications for mobility, balance, creativity and connecting with the joy of dancing.
The researchers are looking for volunteers to test the usability of the VR experience as a tool for performance and for rehabilitation. You can help! By testing the VR experience (wearing a VR headset) and giving your feedback. The aim is for the application to be adaptable to a range of sensory preferences and abilities to extend sensory experiences through mobility and creativity.
Featuring choreography by Sarah Neville, composition by Matthew Thomas, visual design by KAB101 and Alex Degaris. Agile is co-designed by acquired brain injury advocate and performer Eva Sifis and physiotherapist, educator and digital health researcher Belinda Lange.
You can read the Participant Information Sheet for the research project here.
I’ll be at ISEA this week presenting
June 24th @ ISEA Conference
Scenario Design for Embodied Digital Experiences
art + science ANAT
June 26th @ ISEA Conference
Embodied and Enacted Futures as Artistic Practice
When is it?
6th, 7th & 8th October
30 minute sessions between
Where is it?
Piccadilly Hall
171 Piccadilly Rd, Piccadilly SA 5151
Mobilizing Sites, Reali ties, and Non-humans (Moderator: Efrosini Protopapa)
Taking Place: Site Dance and (im)mobility -Victoria Hunter
Performing Fluidity: Sensual Objects, Nonhuman Mobility, And Experimenting
Relationalities -Menghang Wu
Symbiotic movement in a Glasshouse -Sarah Neville
Thursday 13 July 2023 to Sunday 16 July 2023
Reconnections: looking back, moving forward, enacting change
C-DaRE are pleased to announce the dates for the next Dance and Somatic Practices conference which will take place at the Centre for Dance Research in Coventry, UK Friday 14th to Sunday 16th July 2023. The conference will be in person and include paper presentations, practice research sharings, workshops and more from the international somatic community. There will be online offerings as part of the conference.
In residence at The Mill
July 8 - 28, 2023
Immersive opening weekend: Saturday, July 8, 6-8pm, and Sunday, July 9, 12-4pm