Calculus of the Nervous System

Calculus of the Nervous System

An installation derived from the theatrics of Ada Byron Lovelace's philosophies about the workings of a computer.
A multi-media dance production with a live video mix, live sound mix, slides, live harp, live lighting and improvised performance.


Title: Calculus of the Nervous System
Location: Harts Mill, Port Adelaide
Producer: Biomachines, Adelaide Festival of Arts
Choreographer: Sarah Neville
Devised by: Sarah Neville and Matt Innes
Video Graphic Design: Matt Innes
Sound Design: Liz dooley, Melinda Gray, Jeremy Rowney
Lighting Design: Nic Mollison
Performed by: Sarah Neville, Nik Gaffney
Supported by: Arts SA, The Australia Council, Australian Choreographic Centre, Queensland University of Technology


Ada 3


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