Agiles - user study MOD
7 Nov - 8 Nov 2024
Studios, Level 1, MOD.
Agile Mobilities is an artistic research project investigating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications for mobility, balance, creativity and connecting with the joy of dancing.
The researchers are looking for volunteers to test the usability of the VR experience as a tool for performance and for rehabilitation. You can help! By testing the VR experience (wearing a VR headset) and giving your feedback. The aim is for the application to be adaptable to a range of sensory preferences and abilities to extend sensory experiences through mobility and creativity.
Featuring choreography by Sarah Neville, composition by Matthew Thomas, visual design by KAB101 and Alex Degaris. Agile is co-designed by acquired brain injury advocate and performer Eva Sifis and physiotherapist, educator and digital health researcher Belinda Lange.
You can read the Participant Information Sheet for the research project here.

Glasshouse at Nature Festival
When is it?
6th, 7th & 8th October
30 minute sessions between
Where is it?
Piccadilly Hall
171 Piccadilly Rd, Piccadilly SA 5151

New Mobilities on the Turn ?
Mobilizing Sites, Reali ties, and Non-humans (Moderator: Efrosini Protopapa)
Taking Place: Site Dance and (im)mobility -Victoria Hunter
Performing Fluidity: Sensual Objects, Nonhuman Mobility, And Experimenting
Relationalities -Menghang Wu
Symbiotic movement in a Glasshouse -Sarah Neville

The 6th International Dance and Somatic Practices Conference 2023
Thursday 13 July 2023 to Sunday 16 July 2023
Reconnections: looking back, moving forward, enacting change
C-DaRE are pleased to announce the dates for the next Dance and Somatic Practices conference which will take place at the Centre for Dance Research in Coventry, UK Friday 14th to Sunday 16th July 2023. The conference will be in person and include paper presentations, practice research sharings, workshops and more from the international somatic community. There will be online offerings as part of the conference.

In residence at The Mill
July 8 - 28, 2023
Immersive opening weekend: Saturday, July 8, 6-8pm, and Sunday, July 9, 12-4pm

July 9, 3pm
The Mill Exhibition Space, 154 Angas St, Kaurna Yarta
Cost: $15 (+ booking fee)
The Mill invites you to the Make|Shift Forum where you can hear from the artists about their practice and process. The forum will feature a panel of exhibiting artists and will be chaired by Artistic and Curatorial Facilitator Margie Medlin and The Mill’s CEO/Artistic Director Katrina Lazaroff (live captioned and live streamed).
Make|Shift is an immersive and experimental exhibition of projection art as part of Illuminate Adelaide. The exhibition features digital image and projection based work by six South Australian multidisciplinary artists; James Alberts, Ray Harris, Sarah Neville, Liam Somerville, Inneke Taal and Tanya Voges, with Margie Medlin as Artistic & Curatorial Facilitator supported by artistic mentorship from illuminart’s Cindi Drennan and Tim Gruchy.

Evocation trials
2 Mar - 3 Mar 2023
Open Lab
Experience a new dance work (evocation) by Sarah Neville in Augmented Reality
Sarah and her collaborators (Visual Artist Alex Degaris, Composer Matthew Thomas, and Dancer Sue Hawksley) are seeking volunteers +18 years to assist with the creative development of a new dance for augmented reality work. This new work – evocation – is experienced on an android tablet by participants moving around a room collecting parts of the dance. The trial of the dance work, unstructured interview and short survey will take no more than 30 minutes. Trials take place at MOD. in the Open Lab.
If you would like to assist this research into new forms of participatory practice in contemporary dance, please book online below or contact Sarah directly.
Evocation was developed in partnership with the creative Computing Studio, UniSA and Dance Hub SA and supported by Arts SA Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Sarah Neville is an Australian choreographer who has created work for the Adelaide Festival, Ausdance Choreolab, Dance House, Australian Choreographic Centre, ADT’s Ignition season, Strut Dance, Heliograph Productions and Corazon de Vaca. Sarah’s PhD (Deakin University/ Coventry University), researches Dance Digitisation. In 2021, Sarah was awarded an Arts SA Fellowship, creating dance for virtual reality works. Sarah is currently an adjunct research fellow at UniSA – www.sarahneville.com
This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee (Ethics Protocol 204918).

Expand Lab Adelaide Film Festival -participant
The inaugural AFF EXPAND Lab brings together 30 of Australia’s most daring artists and creative thinkers from 23-28 October 2022 for a development lab and commissioning process to foster new ideas for moving image artworks.
EXPAND Lab continues AFF’s tradition of delivering acclaimed development programs including Film Lab New Voices, HIVE and Crossover. The project is a collaboration between the Adelaide Film Festival, Samstag Museum of Art , The Art Gallery of South Australia and Illuminate Adelaide. and is supported by the The Balnaves Foundation, and Arts South Australia.
AFF EXPAND Lab is supported by an Arts South Australia Arts Recovery Grant.

Glasshouse VR Demonstration, SPECTRA Live, Episode 5, Day 2 1:30 - 4:30, Friday 22 April, Ground Floor Studio, Melbourne Connect #ANATSPECTRA2022

X Dance Hub SA
X is a performed improvised event and the breeding ground of Dance and Music experimentation extending the lineage of luminaries Merce Cunningham and John Cage using chance and randomness as creative tools.